news and information
"Spring" semester is here, and the days are getting longer!
A warm welcome to our new majors and to all the new students in the class of 2020.
The D. Foster Hewett distinguished lecture series
At our last DFH lectures we heard lots of interesting talks about the changing Arctic. Planning for next year is underway.
Attention all EES people
We're always in search of images from your research work and travels. Send images you'd to see immortalized on our web site to Andrea, Nancy, or Peter Z. It's the Retina-zoic, so remember to keep those pixel counts up!
Attention undergraduates
If you haven't started yet, now is the time to finalize summer internships, field experiences, and research activities for next year. Visit the department office to get information about all the field, lab, and international options open to you, and keep your eyes and ears open for news about planning meetings. If you have questions, start your search by talking with any faculty member.