required procedures
tips for pain-free credit transfer
Transferring credit in EES fields
In the areas of ecology, geology, and environmental science, if you are planning for study abroad or hoping to earn summer credit at an institution other than Lehigh, you need to do some work in advance in order to guarantee that the credit will be accepted.
How to prepare
Please take careful note of the following information before contacting us:
- You need to obtain course descriptions for each course whose credit you want to transfer. In addition, you need to provide further details documenting the amount of effort and sort of work that will be involved. This would most easily be done through a course syllabus or similiar document obtained from the course instructor.
- Please forward these materials in advance of any meeting.
- Do not leave this until the last minute. We need at least one week in order to be sure we can get to your request. We cannot guarantee approval of rushed or last-minute requests.
- EES is a department that deals with subject areas in earth science (geology), environmental science, organismal biology/ecology, and related fields (e.g., oceanography, marine ecology/biology). We do not accept transfer credit for geography courses and environmental studies courses (see Lehigh's environmental studies program for the latter).
- The EES department only determines the suitability of the courses taken elsewhere for Lehigh credit. The exact number of credits you receive will be determined by the Registrar's Office at Lehigh.
Who to contact
Please direct enquiries and requests for approval to:
Dr. Stephen Peters
room 144 STEPS Building