Graduate study in EES
programs, requirements, and opportunities
Graduate school is an exciting time during which you can follow your passions as you pursue advanced study and research. Like with just about any human endeavor, there are some rules, guidelines, and activities that will shape your path towards your degree and professional development.
Our main expectation is that our graduate students view and conduct themselves as professionals, so it's your responsibility to be aware of degree requirements, advisor and departmental expectations, and University, College, and departmental policies. Here you'll find some help in accomplishing that.
You can seek help from a range of people. Within EES our office staff can help with scheduling and general procedures like reimbursement. Learn to work with your advisor and go to them for information about expectations, lab policies, and academic and career strategies. Bring any grievances or questions about EES policies to either the head of the Graduate Instruction Committee (currently Peter Zeitler), your representative to that committee, or the department Chair (currently David Anastasio).
EE maintains several web pages relevant to graduate study. This page will be kept updated with links to sources of information, help, and major events. We also have a Coursesite page (login required) that enrolls EES faculty and graduate students, and this page will provide more detailed information about policies and EES operations (look for it in your list of pages; it's called "EES Graduate Program Information - 0914"; the shortname is EESGRADINFO).
There are also important and helpful resources available outside the department. Kathleen Hutnik and her staff at the Graduate Life Office coordinate a range of activities and support programs for graduate students. An absolutely essential resource to take advantage of is the expertise held in the CAS graduate office by Mary Ann Haller (610-758-4280) and Casey Petroski (610-758-4281), about degree requirements and policies: neither your advisor nor the GIC will always be up-to-date on all the details, so don't hestitate to seek help from Casey and Mary Ann - they're just next to STEPS on the ground floor of Maginnes Hall.
Course and curriculum info
- List of EES courses available for graduate credit (pdf)
- Graduate Handbook (complete) (pdf) (new 2017 revision)
Other information and forms