information for speakers
planning your visit
Many thanks for agreeing to visit and present a seminar to our department! In an age of fast electronic communication and sound bites, the chance to hear peer scientists explain their work in person remains an essential part of our educational mission. Below, you'll find some information that might help you plan your visit.
Schedule. Our regularly scheduled seminars are held from 12:10 to 1:00 on Fridays. From 11 to 12, we hold an informal buffet lunch for students, staff, faculty, and of course, our invited speaker. Usually, we adjourn to a local pub at about 5pm for continued and enhanced discussion, and we hope you'd be able to join us.
Audience. Your audience will usually consist of EES faculty, technical staff, postdocs, graduate students, and some undergraduates. Sometimes faculty will require an undergraduate class to attend seminars, but generally you will have an audience of about 15-20 faculty and staff and 20-30 undergraduate and graduate students.
Nature of talk. We view our seminar series as a very important mechanism for broadening the education of our students and keeping our staff up-to-date. We encourage you to present difficult and challenging ideas in your field. That said, please take a little time to put your work into context because our department is broad in its interests, ranging from tectonics to ecology. The good news is that at least some people in the audience will know what you're talking about, but on the flip side, others might need a little help.
Facilities. Our usual seminar room is equipped with a single LCD projector that talks to both Macs and PCs without issue. An overhead projector and slide projector can also be made available with prior arrangement. We have some ability to handle dual projection using combinations of these devices, but a dual-LCD presentation doesn't work too well, so it's better to stick to a talk organized around a single projector. We have PC and Mac laptops available if you don't bring yours, but please give us notice if you need one. They have standard software (MS Office including Powerpoint on both, Keynote on the Mac, etc.). If you have special needs for specific software or need a heftier machine to drive a special application, please let us know before you arrive so that we can set things up for you.
Also during your visit... We understand that our visitors have busy schedules. But if you can find the time, we'd appreciate the chance to host you -- we hope you can spend at least Friday if not part of Thursday in the department. Typically we try to arrange a full schedule of meetings with research groups, classes, students, and individual faculty, and sometimes even additional informal talks. And, if there's anyone or anything you'd like to see in EES, at Lehigh, in the Bethlehem area, or down around Philly, don't be shy about asking. You'll have a faculty member or graduate student who's your host and they'll work with you on the details of your schedule and logistics while in town.
Logistics. We'll arrange lodging if required and make sure you're well-fed and watered during your visit. It's simple for us to arrange any air travel, but if you want to do this, you can (see below). If you have any special needs, let us know. While you're here, be sure to stop by our department office so that our staff, Leigh Anne Fernandes or Nancy Roman, can take care of any expenses you've incurred while traveling (you'll be happy to know that Lehigh is quick about reimbursement).
Getting here. If you're driving, follow the links on this page to get information, maps, and directions to Lehigh's Asa Packer campus (we're in the STEPS building). Once you get here, parking can be... interesting. If you let us know in advance we can arrange for and even mail you a one-day parking pass/hunting license, or you can head for the Zoellner Performing Arts Center garage at the other end of campus (parking there is $4.00 for the day). Metered spots are available at a number of locations and the two other parking garages, but they are limited in total hours.
Air travel. If you're making your own air-travel arrangments, we just ask that you look for a reasonable economy-class fare. The local airport is officially called Lehigh Valley International Airport (LVIA), but note that its airport code is ABE (for Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton), and most airlines list "Allentown" as the destination on their departure-lounge displays. Newark airport is located directly east of Lehigh University, a reliable 80-minute drive along Interstate 78. Philadelphia airport is located to the south, slightly closer than Newark, but the drive takes that same amount of time and is more often prone to traffic. Your best bet is to try ABE, unless the fares or timing are terrible. Also, be aware that some airlines operate connecting "flights" to and from Newark and sometimes Philly that are actually vans: these are ok, just don't be surprised if a uniformed person tries to usher you into a car: you're not being kidnapped!
If you're arriving at Lehigh Valley International Airport, and possibly Newark and Philadelphia, someone from EES will probably be charged with picking you up. If things go awry due to scheduling mishaps or delays, there is taxi service available from ABE, despite its sleepy appearance. The airport is located north of town, about a 10-minute drive from downtown Bethlehem and Lehigh University (the center, "historic" part of Bethlehem is on the north side of the Lehigh River; the university drapes over the north side of the mountain on the south side of the river). Mass transit from Newark airport is not great, consisting of modest bus service by Transbridge Lines. From Philadelphia airport, there is no direct bus service -- you have to connect to downtown Philly first.
Again, thanks for agreeing to visit!
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