EES directory

Graduate Students

contact information

Adam Benfield
(240 STEPS) ajb817 (610-758-1226)
Christopher Bochicchio
James Carrigan
(220 STEPS) jhc312 (610-758-1225)
Zhongxiong Cui
(570 STEPS) zhc213 (610-758-1241)
Heidi Cunnick
(140 STEPS) hec317 (610-758-1222)
Elizabeth Dyer
(320 STEPS) ekd215 (610-758-1228)
Gabe Epstein
(220 STEPS) gse216 (610-758-1225)
Katrina Gelwick
(140 STEPS) kdg217 (610-758-1222)
Joshua Gonzales
(240 STEPS) jmg617 (610-758-1226)
Hongcheng Guo
(570 STEPS) hog217 (610-758-1241)
Mariah Hoskins
(580 STEPS) mac716 (610-758-1242)
Matthew Huff
(240 STEPS) mgh217 (610-758-1226)
Kaylee Kraft
(570 STEPS) khk211 (610-758-1241)
Matthew Nikitczuk
(220 STEPS) mpn217 (610-758-1225)
Jennifer Schmidt
(570 STEPS) jlm711 (610-758-1241)
Adrienne Scott
(130 STEPS) ams916 (610-758-1221)
Anne Sirait
(580 STEPS) amm616 (610-758-1242)
Lillian Soto-Cordero
(220 STEPS) lis213 (610-758-1225)
Jonathan Stelling
(240 STEPS) jmsa14 (610-758-1225)
Leslie Tintle
(140 STEPS) lrt217 (610-758-1222)
Jessica Welkey
(570 STEPS) jmw817 (610-758-1241)
Candace Wygel
(130 STEPS) caw516 (610-758-1221)
Zhengyu Xia
(370 STEPS) zhx215 (610-758-1232)
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ornamental image of moonlit mountain lake

Delivery Address

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Lehigh University
1 West Packer Avenue
Bethlehem, PA 18015-3001
+1 (610) 758-3660
+1 (610) 758-3677 (fax)

Address for Internal Campus Mail

EES Department - STEPS Building 9A
1 West Packer Avenue

Shipping Items to EES

To send things to people in the EES Department at Lehigh University, use the mailing address listed above (and the phone number, if you're sending express mail).

Other directories

Lehigh maintains an email directory which may help you locate other email addresses.

Phone numbers

The country code for the U.S. is 1, the area code for all Lehigh University numbers is 610, and the prefix for all EES numbers in the STEPS Building is 758.

Maps and Driving Directions

Follow directions for the Alumni Memorial Building on the Asa Packer Campus. We suggest parking in the garage for that building, or in the outdoor lot one block down the hill (stop by the main office in room 109 STEPS to get a temporary hang-tag). Note that the new STEPS Building is not yet on all campus maps: it is located adjacent to Maginnes Hall on the same lot (just to the southwest).