for project members

Hot News: Ain't none, besides this site finally getting itself together.


Project News       Reports About Data       Proposed Meetings       Papers in Progress

Project News

January 6-9, 2005. Group meeting at NSF headquarters in Arlington VA!

December, 2004. The seismic experiment's field component is complete, as we successfully extracted the array during a fast trip in October. At the SFO AGIU meeting, a number of people gave interesting project-related posters and talks (Anne, Brian, Amanda, Bernard, Dave M., Noah, Stephane, Dick), and Zeitler gave an uninteresting talk.

June, 2004. Teams from UW and Stanford are in Tibet. Anne is in Ecuador. Zeitler is in Tibet. Molly successfully completed her MS and has started at a real job (congratulations!).

April - May, 2004. The service run went well, and the seismic array is ok, despite the usual oddball events for a few instruments.

Reports About Data

Detrital Fission-Track Data. Bernard arranged for an undergraduate to collect sand samples from the Siang River in India (what they call the Tsang po when it gets down there). Dick Stewart at UW has measured fission-track ages on detrital zircons and finds that 47% of the grains must have been derived from downstream of Pai, where we have another sample for comparison. Combining this with Molly's zircon U-Th/He data, this means that some 50% of the Siang sediment load is derived from within the active NB-GP massif!

Detrital U-Pb Data. Using the laser ablation/ICP-MS system at ANU Peter Z. measured U-Pb provenance ages on zircons from the same samples as just described above. Passage through the massif increases the proportion of pre-Mesozoic grains from 45% to 70%, giving a minimum estimate of 50% for derivation of the Siang load within the massif, closely matching the fission-track results.

SHRIMP Zircon Dates From Gyala Peri. Peter Z. has been and is measuring U-Pb zircon ages on granite and samples collected on the north flank of Gyala Peri. Most samples fall to minimum ages of 4 Ma or less, and a few are clearly only about 1.5 Ma in age. Basement ages determined from zircon cores are are mostly about 500 ma, with a few samples yielding 1600 Ma; this is a little different from NB, where core ages of ~900-1300 Ma are more common.

Proposed Meetings

GROUP MEETING: January 2005. This will be happening shortly; let's see what proposals and ideas emerge from this for future gatherings.

Papers in Progress

To eliminate any chances of overlap, hard feelings, or confusion about publications, please report for listing here any papers you are working on or are planning, who the likely authors will be, and the time frame involved.

NB U-Pb dates. Booth, Chamberlain, Wooden, Kidd, Zeitler. In press, American Journal of Science.

Detrital dates, Tsangpo sediment flux. Stewart, Hallet, Zeitler. In prep. for submission to Science in earliest 2005.

NB thermochronology. Malloy, Zeitler, Idleman, Reiners, Liu. In prep. for submission to G3 or EPSL, earliest 2005.